
Fight with my wife

I got into a fight with my wife. Beginning is little things. It seems that she didn't like how I said. I haven't had a conversation with my wife from tomorrow night. 妻と喧嘩をした。 発端は些細なこと。 私の言い方が気に入らなかったらしい。 …

Water server

I applied for water server, and installed today. First impression is that is expensive. 1 litter of water is 100yen, monthly rental fee of water server is 1000yen. So it is more expensive than bottled water. But it might come in handy for …


This is my first visit to Costco. It is very crowded in spite of weekday. It cost an annual fee and buy too much. I like local supermarket more than Costco. 初めてコストコに行った。 平日に行ったにも関わらずかなり混んでいる。 年会費もかかる…

Pre-employment medical checkup

The medical checkup always came back clean until now. Nevertheless, this checkup didn't come clean. I didn't believe it. これまで定期健康診断で引っかかったことがないのに、よりによって雇入れ前健康診断で引っかかってしまった。

Rany season

I hate rany season. Many people probably hate this season, too. Suit and briefcase get wet and it's hard to walk. I want to find out how to spend comfortable in this season. 梅雨の時期は嫌い。 そんな人も多いのではないでしょうか。 スーツや…


I moved. Next apartment room is smaller than previous apartment room. So, I got rid of the unwanted things. Nevertheless, I can't store all things, so I got rid of the things more. What is most important things? I had had what I think impo…


英語を喋れる、書ける人って、誰よりも英語を話して、書いてきた人だよね。 さっき英語と日本語の文をそれぞれ書いてみたけど、日本語の文の方を見て何も調べずにすらすら書けるようになれば話せるようにもなるかな? 試してみよう。

Morning around Utsunomiya Station

I stayed Richimond Hotel from tommorow evening with my family. Next moning, I got up at 4 o'clock. So, I was looking for 24-hour family restrant or MacDnald's around hotel to study English and so on. But there are no 24-hour family restran…


いくら英語を勉強しても、TOEICで700点以上取っても、毎日英語を聞いても、使い物にならない。 アウトプットがないから。 だから、これから毎日覚えたい単語・熟語で英文を書こう。 そして、忘却曲線に則って復習しよう。