
Leaders' role

What is leaders' role. I have to decided the difference of managers' role. I'm confused.

Single life

My wife went back to her parent's home with our child. I'm experiencing short term single life. I can't cook my meal, so I'm going to eat out this term.

Project leader

I recently assumed a role as project leader. I must think about what do I want to emphasize. Planning, qality, functionality, and so on. I'm so excited!

Preasure to be fine

I had a thorough medical checkup yesterday. Nothing was detected by ultrasonography. I'm fine! I enjoyed having a drink last night.

End time at my work

I must finish my job until 6 p.m because I will be going to hospital until 6:30 p.m to have thorough medical checkup. I want to work more.


willで書いた文をwill be 〜ingに直された。 will : 〜するつもり will be 〜ing : 〜ということになる 未来進行形を使うことで、より確定的な予定となる。 後で多分資料送るね! と 後で必ず資料を送ります。 とじゃ、安心感も変わってくるね。

My liver

It became clear that my liver is bad, so I will be getting a thorough checkup from another hospital. I don't want to depend on medicine from now. 健康診断で肝臓が悪いことが分かった。 違う病院で精密検査を受けることになった。 薬漬けにはなり…


I had a party of 80 people yesterday. After that, we went after party at our office. We drank until midnight. 昨日は80人規模のパーティだった。 パーティが終わったら会社で二次会。 0時くらいまで飲んでいた。


I feel very sleepy in the morning. I used to wake up early and easily. But now, I must drink a cup of coffee to be woken up my brain. 朝の眠気が強い。 昔はあんなに早く起きれたのに。 コーヒーの力を借りないと頭が働かない。


It is difficult to extract expected failures exhaustively. Engineers often use the FMEA method. FMEA is an effective method for preventing troubles. How many items should we extract depending on time and situation. If we extract all items,…


I bought clothes for the first time in a long time. It made me feel better. When I lived in the countryside, I didn’t care about clothes. But now, I began to care about clothes since I have moved to the city. 久しぶりに服を買った。 気分が…

Importance of plan

I don't know there are how many tasks are left at work. The tasks aren't organized. I must organize tasks and a development plan. 思った以上に残業務が分からない。 または整理されてない。 計画整理が必要。


I simulated electric circuit for the first time in a long time. I was doing it just fun, but it's the first time to use it at work. After all, I like fiddling with electronics. 久々に回路シミュレーションをした。 趣味程度でいじっていたもの…

Drinking party

I drank at a party yesterday. Perhaps because of drinking for the first time in a long while, I have a headache now. So, I left home a little late. Thanks to that, I could meet my baby who got up before my leaving. 昨日は飲み会があった。 …


I'm a little tired. I didn't do difficult things on the first day at work, but I feel stressed. 多少の疲労感がある。 初出社日は特に疲れることはしないんだけど、緊張によるストレスがかかる。

New job

It is my first day at my new job today. I will be busy everyday, but I will do my best. I'm careful not to be burnout syndrome. 今日は転職先への初出勤。 忙しい日々を送ることになるとは思うが、ベストを尽くそう。 ただ、燃え尽き症候群には注意。